Pay it Forward.

Our Pay-it-Forward scheme takes inspiration from an Italian tradition called suspended coffee, or caffe sospeso, that dates to at least the turn of the 20th century in which, when customers buy coffee, they also pay in advance for a cup to be given to somebody else - usually someone who otherwise couldn't afford it.

Likewise, our initiative combines the same principles of generosity, empathy, and community involvement, to create a sustainable system of mental health support.

The scheme is funded by the fees raised through our regular dance classes alongside kind donations of individuals who are willing and able to contribute towards supporting someone else’s journey into receiving counselling.

If you wish to support this initiative please donate below -
every penny counts.

Using the
Pay-it-Forward scheme

Currently, we are able to offer one person 12 sessions of free counselling

The fund offers a full course of therapy to anybody based in the Highlands in need of counselling help but unable to pay the related costs.
All sessions are paid for in advance and are capped at 12 sessions per person.
This works on a first come first served basis.

If you are interested in using the Pay-it-Forward Initiative, kindly get in touch with us.